Goodbye old friend
This is it, my final post.
New site, new weblog, new publishing system.
If you follow this weblog in an RSS reader it's time to point it at my new home. That new home is being published using WordPress, and I'm loving it.
So, point your browser to
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Twitter - @fahrni
See you on the internets.
Labels: Blogger, Life, Social, Weblogging

Blogger FTP, The End Is Near
May 1, 2010, FTP Publishing will cease to work, and by extension, so will this weblog. Well, at least it'll stop updating.
Labels: Blogger

Movie line of the week answer
Good evening movie liners, it's been a long day, so let's just get this wrapped up shall we?Our big winner is Mr. Steven Vore, congratulations Steven.
The correct answer was...
Labels: MLOTW

Growing your brand
AppCubby: "How do I grow App Cubby in a way that increases value AND income? That's a question I've been asking myself since the day the company was founded. These past few months, I've been working on a solution I think makes a lot of sense. I've signed an exclusive sponsorship deal with Honeywell to advertise its consumer auto brands - FRAM, Prestone, and Autolite - in a rebranded version of Gas Cubby called Gas Cubby by FRAM." - Very interesting, very, very, interesting, and smart to boot.
Movie line of the week

Ok, quick, what movie! Send your guesses here.
Labels: MLOTW
Boo Orange County
Los Angeles Times: "Some Southern California cities fine residents for watering their lawns too much during droughts.But in Orange, officials are locked in a legal battle with a couple accused of violating city ordinances for removing their lawn in an attempt to save water." - The city should be encouraging more folks to do what the Ha's have done. Drought tolerant plants, no lawn, and wood chip's are all great ways to beautify your yard and conserve water. If you've never lived in an area prone to drought you may not understand, and that's ok, but here it's nice to see folks doing their part to save water for more important things, like drinking.
Boo on you Orange County.

The problem with company blogs
Inc: "The big-hit technology companies from the past 10 years tend to have pathetic blogs. Twitter's blog, like Facebook's and Google's, is full of utterly boring press releases rewritten to sound a little bit less stuffy. Apple's employees produce virtually no blogs, even though the company has introduced several game-changing new products in the past decade. Meanwhile, hundreds of Microsoft's employees have amazing blogs, but these have done nothing to stave off that company's slide into stodginess." - He's right. The best weblogs tend to be run by the little guys. The indies making a living using the technology they're talking about. Company weblogs often have to walk a fine line, they have to be careful about what they're saying and how they say it. Just look at Joel, he's killing off his weblog because he can't really be himself any longer for fear of offending someone. I think there are still some exceptional BigCo weblogs to read, John Nack for instance. I think he does a great job of representing Adobe and talking to his audience, without sounding like a marketing wank (yeah, yeah, I know, he's not a marketing wank, but you get the picture.)I guess what I'm trying to say is this. If you're going to have a company weblog, or company weblogs, don't come across too stodgy or corporate, it's a turnoff.
Labels: Weblogging

Shipley to Jobs: "Don't be evil Steve."
Will Shipley: "But when you sue someone for doing something you do yourself, you become one of the bad guys. Can you name a company you admire that spends its time enforcing patents, instead of innovating? Remember the pirate flag you flew over Apple's headquarters when you were building the Mac? Is Apple part of the Navy now?"
Cool NY Job! "We need an Android developer to help us develop the best eReader for Android devices. If you dream of electric sheep we want to hear from you!" - Gee you think that's a job working on the Nook? What a sweet gig, if you're a Java boy.
What's a Pixel Qi?
Jerry Fahrni: "The Pixel Qi screen offers the quick refresh of an LCD screen with the low power consumption and direct sunlight readability of e-ink. I'm excited about the Pixel Qi technology and have been waiting for their screens to appear in consumer devices for quite some time. In fact, I'm holding off my purchase of a Kindle DX until I see a Pixel Qi screen for myself. I'm just not a fan of reading PDF files on a backlit LCD display, and reading them on a Nook or Kindle isn't a great experience either." - Pharmacist by day, super geek by night, my brother ladies and gentlemen. Jay is the ultimate gadget man and does a lot of research into mobile devices because he absolutely loves them. This particular technology has been on his radar for the better part of a year and it's finally hitting the streets.